The Appalachian Popular Programming Society (APPS) serves as the primary student programming board at App State and is responsible for planning diverse, quality events for the entire community. APPS aspires to establish transformational experiences and a deep sense of belonging to all Appalachian students through educational and entertaining programs and events.
Appalachian Popular Programming Society (APPS) serves as the primary student programming board at App State and is responsible for planning diverse, quality events for the entire community. APPS was founded in 1985 to help enhance student nightlife and support retention. APPS plays a vital role in fostering and developing an inclusive Appalachian State University community.
Executive Cabinet
Lily Williams
PresidentAsk me about:
- Executive Council
- Retreats
- APPS Constitution
- Elections
Brittany Byrum
Vice President of AdministrationAsk me about:
- Engage
- APPS Office
- End of Semester Socials
- Council Secretaries
Ethan Pilgrim
Vice President of PromotionAsk me about:
- Engage Promo Submissions
- Council Publicists
Addison (Addy) Weller
Vice President of CommunicationsAsk me about:
- APPSfluencers
- Websites
- Social Media
Grace Lisi
Vice President of Internal AffairsAsk me about:
- Recruitment
- New Member Application
- Council Membership Coordinators
Leah Rogers
Vice President of External AffairsAsk me about:
- Collaborations
- Assessment
- APPS Alumni Network
- SGA Representative
Maggie Ballard
Vice President of DevelopmentAsk me about:
- LEAD Team Workshops
Executive Chairpersons
Tommy Morrison
Club Shows Council ChairpersonAsk me about:
- Live in Blue RidgeCover ShowLocal Music
Jacob Vaughan
Appalachian Heritage Council ChairpersonAsk me about:
- Old-Time Fiddlers' ConventionFiddles n' Fixins
Daniel Huggins
Main Stage Council ChairpersonAsk me about:
- Major Touring ActsAPPS Schaefer Center concerts
Sydney McDonald
Representation and Intentional Student Engagement (RISE) Council ChairpersonAsk me about:
- Coffeehouse EventsAppalachian Theatre Shows
Braidyn Pike
Special Events Council ChairpersonAsk me about:
- AppalfestWinter ChillMovies on the Mall
Ximena Arias
Spirit and Traditions Council ChairpersonAsk me about:
- HomecomingBreakfast with YosefAppSkate
Jake Tidwell he/him/his
Assistant Director for Student ProgrammingAdvisor to:
- Executive Council
- Main Stage Council
- Spirit & Traditions Council
Katie Brooks she/her/hers
Coordinator for Student ProgrammingAdvisor to:
- Appalachian Heritage Council
- Special Events Council
Cole Davis he/him/his
Graduate Assistant for Student ProgrammingAdvisor to:
- Club Shows Council